

The EZ-doc for Atlantia A&S documentation can be found here: EZ-Doc

I have recently begun to use Chicago style footnote citation. It seems to lend itself well to historical papers and research like this. I try to keep research as detailed as possible. If you’d like to see in more detail how I create the documentation I use, please look here.


Period French Cider Documentation: Cider

Period Bochet Reproduction: Bochet

Raspberry Melomel (period-ish): Raspberry

The raspberry melomel is a combination recipe that I kind of hacked together. I could not find actual resources for a raspberry mead made in medieval period, but there is a raspberry wine recipe in Digby. I consider this to be plausible at best until I can find better documentation.


Event Documentation

Enamel documentation used at Clash with Bacchus: Bacchus

Enameling documentation used at Night in Navarre: Navarre and Tempranillo

The documentation for Navarre should have included more information about the general process of enameling and how what I do differs from period techniques. Further, I should have also noted that the art was an original design (by Rajan!) and not directly pulled from an extant sample.

In the future I intend to create a sort of boilerplate enameling documentation binder with pictures and a lot of information. Then in addition to that, add event specific documentation as I go forward. I think it’ll be a wise move going forward. As of 27 April 2019 that is currently in progess! … in fact, it is done!

My next event is Atlantia’s 12th Night where I am going to enter a Plique-a-Jour style piece inspired by the Merode Cup. See the pictures here

General Enameling Notes:

Enameling notes: Enamel Notes

General Enameling Procedure: Enamel Procedure

General References used for enameling: Enamel References

Etching Experimentation: Etching

Enamel Supplies: Supplies